Gas Laser
Tunable Laser
DPSS Laser
Stabilized Helium Neon Lasers

- Compact design
- Internal thread at beam exit for installing items such as fiber couplers
- Wavelength: 632,8 nm
- Warm-up time to achieve stable operation: ≤10 min
- Frequency stability over 1h: ± 2·10-9 to ± 5·10-9
- Two operation modes: frequency stabilized or amplitude stabilized
- Amplitude stability with amplitude control: up to 0.2 %
DUV Lasers
Helium Silver Lasers, Neon Copper Lasers

- HeAg-Lasers @ 224.3 nm, 10 – 15 mW peak power
- NeCu-Lasers @ 248.6 nm, 50 – 250 mW peak power
- up to 20 Hz repetition rate

- Seamless laser and Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) integration
- Water-free pump laser design
- Microprocessor controlled operation with self-optimization
- Hands-free, automated tuning from 680 to 2100nm
- Up to 100Hz pulse repetition rate
- Up to 12mJ pulse energy in near-IR range
- Photo-acoustics imaging
- Non-linear laser spectroscopy
- Metrology

- Up to 100kHz pulse repetition rate
- Hands-free, automated wavelength tuning from 750 to 1800nm
- Up to 5W output power in IR range
- Microprocessor controlled operation with self-optimization, self-calibration capability
- Micromachining
- Raman spectroscopy & microscopy
- Infrared spectroscopy
- Remote sensing

- Seamless laser and Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) integration
- Water-free pump laser design
- Microprocessor controlled operation with self-optimisation, self-calibration capability
- Hands-free, automated tuning from 1380 to 4500 nm
- > 15mJ pulse energy
- Up to 20 Hz pulse repetition rate
- Infrared spectrophotometry
- Cavity ring-down spectroscopy
- Gas spectroscopy
- Single molecule vibrational spectroscopy
- Scanning near-field optical microscopy
- Remote sensing
Compact Diode Pumped Q-Switched Laser
Q1 series
Diode pumped, air-cooled

- Up to 45 mJ pulse energy, up to 0.5 W average output power
- Air cooled (water-free)
- Short pulse duration < 8 ns
- Weight < 5 kg incl. power supply
- Guaranteed > 2 Gshot pump diode lifetime
- Variable pulse repetition rate
- Built-in sync pulse generator for triggering of user equipment
- Remote control via built-in Ethernet interface
- Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Laser ablation
- Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy (TOFS)
- Light Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Spectroscopy
- Non-linear laser spectroscopy
- Flash photolysis
- Photoacoustics
- Metrology
Q2 series
Diode pumped, air-cooled, high peak power

- Up to 80 mJ pulse energy, up to 2 W average power
- Up to 100 Hz pulse repetition rate
- Air cooled (water-free)
- 5-10 ns pulse duration
- Smoothly variable pulse repetition rate for 1053 nm output wavelength models
- Guaranteed > 2 G shot lifetime of pump diodes
- Built-in sync pulse generator for triggering of user equipment
- Remote monitoring and control via built-in Ethernet interface
- Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR)
- LCD repair
- Laser ablation/cleaning
- Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy (TOFS)
- Light Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Spectroscopy
- Flash photolysis
- Pulsed Light Deposition (PLD)
- Ophthalmology
- Time-domain thermoreflectance (TDTR)
Q2HE series
Diode pumped, air-cooled

- Up to 120 mJ pulse energy, up to 4 W average output power
- 1053 or 1064 nm output wavelength
- Air cooled (water-free)
- Up to 100 Hz pulse repetition rate
- Smoothly variable pulse repetition rate for 1053 nm output wavelength models
- >2 Gshot lifetime of pump diodes
- Built-in sync pulse generator for triggering of user equipment
- Remote monitoring and control via built-in Ethernet interface
- Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR)
- Remote sensing/designation
- Laser ablation (marking, LCD repair etc.)
- Laser shock wave generation
- Pulsed light deposition (PLD)